General Information for Residents
04/15/2014 12:50pm
This page contains general information such as who to contact for what, and other HOA information for Residents.
07/28/2023 3:43pm
Please click on the link to see the improvement projects that will impact Stonehurst:
Route 50 Bike & Pedestrian Improvements (Blake Ln to Prosperity Ave)
Route 29 Northbound Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements
According to the ASPCA this condensed list of following plants commonly found in our area are poisonous to our pets: azaleas, daffodils, daylilies, hydrangea, and philodendron. The following list of foods are also harmful to pets: avocados, chocolate (all forms), coffee (all forms), onions and onion powder, garlic, grapes, raisins, macadamia nuts, alcoholic beverages, moldy/spoiled foods, salt, fatty foods, gum and candies flavored with xylitol, tea leaves, raw yeast dough. For more information on items, plants, foods, etc. that are harmful to pets, please go to
02/14/2024 5:48pm
The Resident directory has been updated as of January 2024. A more current directory will be distributed electronically for all residents. If you wish to receive a hard copy as well, please let the Sec/Treas know. Electronic or hard copies will be available. If you are not listed in the directory and would like to be, or if you notice changes needed to your listing, please contact the Secretary. **Please note - the directory is not to be used for solicitation purposes**